The War You Don’t See


  The War You Don’t See

 John Pilger

Poster featuring a blindfolded man

“A powerful and compelling documentary against predatory wars on defenseless civilian populations in Iraq (for oil) Afghanistan (for pipelines and proximity with China) in Palestine (slow ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by land thieving jewish centric Israel) all of which masquerading as promotion of democracy and freedom or self defense .

This is regretfully made possible by morally corrupt and embedded journalists and the major media turning increasingly into propaganda machines relaying the lies and distortions of those in power whether (s)elected or not, on behalf of the billionaire oligarchs they serve.

God bless John Pilger, a moral giant, for this wonderful and compelling piece of investigative journalism no doubt made possible by many of his brave interviewees some of whom (from the Establishment) rightly repentant or critical of the fraudulent war agenda of the US/UK administrations and of the massacres committed in Iraq in the course of destroying Iraqi society and infrastructure and the killing of over a million Iraqis mostly civilians; the same has happened in Lybia and is currently happening in Syria where foreign orchestrated/equipped covert operations are underway and where some of the worst massacres are committed by mercenaries trained or originating from Israel, Gulf Emirates, Kosovo, Lybia ,Chechnya under misleading labels like Salafite, Al Quaida , etc… .

Pilger also asks BBC and ITV editors pertinent questions regarding their complicit role in allowing the constant cover up of Israel’s crimes and abuses which continue to go on with impunity against Palesstinians , because they are either not reported or reported through the fraudulent narrative of Israeli spokesmen; on the other hand Obama’s phony antiwar stance and promise for change notwithstanding, Israel can always rely on Washington to provide US veto protection in the UN and other international organizations against any legitimate condemnation of Israel’s crimes and daily abuses in the Palestinian territories under military occupation.

If there was genuine interest in the West to inform and educate the public, this documentary should be part of the curriculi of ethics/history classes in schools and universities and John Pilger deserves the Nobel prize for humanity and journalism. In summary,the world would be a better and safer place if we had more John Pilgers around.


We need more truth and transparency

The DVD wasn’t quite what I expected however it was an interesting documentary.

It focused more on how the war was reported or should I say miss reported rather than the on war itself. Its my opinion that everyone should see (The War You Don’t See) not just for the content of the war but for a better understanding of how journalism is operating with hand fed stories, half truths and lies of omission.

The talking heads on TV just follow a script for fear of liabilities or loosing their job, Dan Rather comes to mind.

True investigative reporting is practically nonexistent and where it does it’s often suppressed or relegated to the back page or 10 second sound bites and this is a sad fact for us


John Pilger

“Those whose job it is to keep the record straight, ought to be the voice of people, not power.”


Expose of the Cover-Up by the Global Establishment Media…

In John Pilger’s documentary “The War You Don’t See” 2010,

we get an accurate and unbiased report of what the U.S. and Co., are really doing in places like: Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

And what the establishment-media will not tell you, in real terms (even before embedded-journalism, very few had the guts to tell the truth!).

This documentary is a real eye-opener for anyone who doubted what they already suspected of the U.S., Great Britain, and Israel.

Especially in their arbitrariness to pursue genocidal-policies towards those they consider: less than human (in this regard, all three have surpassed Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union (including today’s Russia), China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, etc., etc. – in ‘man’s inhumanity to man’).

There is footage of a U.S. Apache-helicopter indiscriminately firing on Iraqi civilians, and then you hear the immoral celebration of the butchery committed by these demoniacal-bound soldiers!

You also get eyewitness accounts from the victims of Fallujah, etc.

Any American or decent human-being for that matter, that thinks this is funny, warranted, or legitimate and rightful actions, is worse than the so-called barbarian of the Dark Ages (and here the barbarian of the Dark Ages can be almost excused, because he didn’t have the intellectual and cultural acumen of an American or European!).

If this is how highly they (U.S. and Co.) value human life, just think what they will do to us someday!!

To back-up my previous statement (re. genocidal-policies), we learn that 90% of all Iraqi casualties related to the Anglo-American military occupation since 2003 are civilians.

What more can this possibly mean to any sensible person, what more proof do you need!

Mr. Pilger is truly a decent person and a real humanitarian for his commitment to getting the truth out there.

He’s very diplomatic and not at all emotional when interviewing the morally-bankrupt and hypocritical mouthpieces and pundits of the Global Media and U.S. Government (specifically: the Assistant Secretary of Defense – who looked like the epitomy of a Galtonian-cretin, if there ever was one!).

There is also a telling interview with Julian Assange, about his courageous battle in unmasking these global war-criminals.

If you truly believe that all human beings have the right to: ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’, how can we allow this to continue?

This film-documentary is an important account of history, the real one.

Love and Peace,
Carlos Romero



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